12 cream white roses bouquet
We love the Candlelight rose so much that we always include it in our bouquets of cream white roses. This rose is amazing! The meaning of this flower is described with words like trust, respect, reverence, and affection. It is a meaningful gesture that can express deep feelings toward a special person. It is a gift that not only beautifies any space but also evokes a sense of calm and serenity. Additionally, this flower can be accompanied by a card with a personal message, which enhances the sentimental value of the gift. You can also give a white rose to someone to say "I'm sorry."
dimensions & properties
plant colour: cream white flowers.
care tips
This variety has a long vase life of up to 10-14 days. The secret to making your roses last longer is to condition them as soon as you receive them. Trim the stems down to 2-3cm, prune some leaves, remove the guard petals from your rose. Renew the water every two days and prepare a homemade preservative of:
- 300-400ml of not too cold tap water
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar
- 1 tablespoon natural lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon of bleach (no perfumes)
- 1/4 aspirin.
Also keep away from fresh fruit! Fruit releases certain natural gasses that make flowers fade fast.