20 tulips
For a bold and striking look, you can opt for a single-color bouquet featuring 20 vibrant red tulips that will make a statement in any room. Alternatively, you can choose a two-color bouquet that combines 10 each of bright yellow and deep purple tulips for a unique and eye-catching arrangement. For a more playful and whimsical approach, you can select a multi-color bouquet that features 20 tulips in a variety of colors, including, cream white, pink, white, and orange, creating a lively and energetic display. Check availability and options with us at WhatsApp: 603 30 45 11
dimensions & properties
colour flowers: the colour you wish for. Colours change according to season and availability.
care tips
Tulips can be kept longest if they are not in the sun and in a draught-free place. Do not put them too close to the heating and preferably not near ripening fruit either. The ethylene gas produced in the process causes the flowers to age prematurely. Change the tapwater in the vase every day.