palmera livistona rotundifolia livistona rotundifolia livistona rotundifolia hojas
palmera livistona rotundifolia livistona rotundifolia livistona rotundifolia hojas
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This tropical palm tree is original and easy to maintain for any home and will also grow well in offices. Its fan-shaped leaves are waiting for you with open arms.
€ 37,95
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livistona rotundifolia

The Livistona Rotundifolia (Fam Palm or Table Palm) is a beautiful indoor palm with very decorative, almost round, fan-shaped leaves. It is native to Southeast Asia. Its leaves are shiny and green. The stems have sharp edges with some thorns at the tip. The leaves of livistona rotundifolia are an unofficial symbol of the Philippines.

dimensions and properties

color plant: green

altura      45cm
ancho      35-45cm
tamaño maceta      14cm Ø     

care tips

The Fam Palm is easy to maintain, but care must be taken not to overwater it, as spots may appear on the leaves. It requires a dry substrate and prefers a sunny spot. During the growing season we water it moderately, in winter we reduce watering and let the soil dry out between waterings. We recommend fertilising every month during the spring season and once during the winter.

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Diana - 15-10-2021 17:52

Aparece como un maravillo abanico ! tambien es una planta decorativa y especial en su forma de aparencia ! me gusta mucho ! Diana


ideal place ideal place
half shade, indirect sunlight, sunny


ideal location ideal location
living room, bedroom, hall, kitchen, office, patio

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
medium high level

difficulty level

level level


toxicity level toxicity level
safe for kids and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
winter 1 time a week, summer 2 times a week