Polyscias roble Polyscias roble
Polyscias roble Polyscias roble
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Buy the most beautiful Polyscias roble online at FlorEspaña!

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aralia roble

The Polyscias is commonly called Ming aralia, and it comes from the Araliaceae family to which the Hedera and Fatsia also belong. Polyscias is Greek for Poly > much and Scias > shade, meaning that the plant offers a lot of shade. It's very common to see it growing around the Pacific Ocean. These houseplants have thin green leaves.

dimensions and properties

colour plant: fresh green leaves.

altura      45-50cm
ancho      20cm
tamaño maceta      17cm Ø     

care tips

In summer, the Polyscias needs to stand in moist soil, without it drying out completely. As the soil should remain moist, it is advisable to water regularly. The Aralia prefers a sunny spot with a few hours of direct sunlight. If this houseplant is placed too far from the window, there is a risk of leaf fall and stagnant growth. The ideal temperature is between 12 and 26 Celsius.

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ideal place ideal place
indirect sunlight, partial shade, shade


ideal location ideal location
living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, office

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
high level

difficulty level

level level
easy - intermediate


toxicity level toxicity level
toxic to children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1 time a week