Clivia miniata Clivia miniata Clivia miniata
Clivia miniata Clivia miniata Clivia miniata
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The orange-flowered Clivia miniata has an elegant habit and is a hardy plant. Shop now online!
€ 29,95
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clivia miniata

Clivia Miniata, also known as the Natal lily or bush lily, is an evergreen bulbous plant belonging to the family Amaryllidaceae. It is native to South Africa, and is striking for its lush foliage and vibrant flowers.

dimensions & properties

We bring you this 50 to 60cm high Clivia to you from a Valencia grower.

color plant: leaves with dark green colours and orange flowers. Its colours can vary from deep orange to bright yellow and sometimes even red. Flowering takes place in spring and can continue for several weeks.

altura      50-60cm
ancho      30-35cm
tamaño maceta      17cm Ø

care tips


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ideal place ideal place
indirect light, partial shade, shade


ideal location ideal location
living room, dining room, kitchen, office, patio, balcony

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
medium high level

difficulty level

level level


toxicity level toxicity level
toxic to children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1-2 times a week