6 red roses bouquet
A bouquet of red Freedom Roses is the number one rose for Valentine's Day, the day of lovers. And that's not for nothing! It is a bright red rose with a large bud exceeding five centimetres. It is a very hardy and productive variety from a cultivar point of view. This variety has a long vase life of up to 12 days.
dimensions & properties
plant colour: green leaves and red flowers.
care tips
The secret to making your roses last longer is to condition them as soon as you receive them. Trim the stems down to 2-3cm, prune some leaves, remove the guard petals from your rose. Renew the water every two days and prepare a homemade preservative of:
- 300ml of not too cold tap water
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar
- 1 tablespoon natural lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon of bleach (no perfumes)
- 1/4 aspirin.
Also keep away from fresh fruit! Fruit releases certain natural gasses that make flowers fade fast.