Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler
Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler Cambria Nelly Isler
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Bring exuberant greens, warm reds and a little touch of yellow into your home with this Cambria 'Nelly Isler'.

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€ 39,95
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cambria nelly isler

This magenta red Cambria orchid is named after grower Stefan Isler's wife Nelly. She is also called the Dancing Lady. In this deep red cross of four varieties, the most beautiful characteristics come together.

dimensions & properties

  • plant height: 60cm ↕
  • pot size: 12cm& Ø
  • amount: 1
  • color: red flowers
  • low to medium maintenance plant
  • eco friendly nursery plant
  • pet-friendly plant ✅

care tips

The Orchid is not a big fan of wet roots, it desires a bit of water when the soil is almost dry. This indoor plant likes a bit of water every 8 to 10 days and preferable in the morning so it can absorb the water during the day.

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ideal place ideal place
indirect sunlight, partial shade


ideal location ideal location
living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, office

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
medium high level

difficulty level

level level
easy - intermediate


toxicity level toxicity level
safe for children and toxic to pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1 time a week