Cordyline pink passion Cordyline pink passion Cordyline pink passion
Cordyline pink passion Cordyline pink passion Cordyline pink passion
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The Cordyline pink passion is pure passion for your patio, garden or terrace! Shop this outdoor plant online and we'll send it to your home!
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cordyline pink passion

Cordyline pink passion has its origin in New Zeelandand and is commonly called Ti plant. This outdoor plant is a frost-tender, evergreen shrub, with an upright, clump-forming habit. This decorative, subtropical beauty is low-growing and forms multiple growing points. The sword-like leaves are narrow and arching and have a tough, leathery texture.

dimensions & properties

colour plant: striking pink-red coloured leaves with a silvery sheen.

altura      55-65cm
ancho      25-30cm
tamaño maceta      20cm Ø     

care tips

The Cordyline plant withstands very well high temperatures, and also drought, therefore it can be planted in low maintenance gardens. This cabbage tree should be watered regularly during the summer, at least once or twice a week, depending on the season.

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ideal place ideal place
half shade, indirect sunlight, shade


ideal location ideal location
living room, bedroom, hall, kitchen, office, patio

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
medium high level

difficulty level

level level


toxicity level toxicity level
toxic to children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1-2 times a week