aglaonema maria aglaonema maría 25cm aglaonema maría deco hojas de aglaonema maría hojas de aglaonema maría
aglaonema maria aglaonema maría 25cm aglaonema maría deco hojas de aglaonema maría hojas de aglaonema maría
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With this Aglaonema Silver Bay you will give a tropical touch to your home! It has big leaves, beautiful green leaves and they clean the air, yes because the plant purifies the air.

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€ 37,95
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aglaonema maria 25cm

This Aglaonema, or do we need to say: Chinese Evergreen plant is a beautiful houseplant with triangular/round shaped leaves. Each white silver colored leave has a spectecular patron of young fresh green stripes. Aglaonemas are the perfect plants to create a green and healthier home environment as they purify the air like no other plant. Something that is very welcome to create well-being in your home.

dimensions and properties

We have chosen this variety of the Aglaonema Maria of the 'Decorum' brand of 25 centimetres high. This plant is of supreme quality and the nursery respects our environment to the utmost.

colour plant: yellow greenish leaves

height      25-30cm
width      30cm
potsize      14cm Ø services

care tips

To keep your Aglaonema Maria happy, water it only when the top inch or two of soil feels dry to the touch, and avoid overwatering which can lead to root rot. Give it bright, indirect light, but not direct sunlight which can burn its leaves. Feed it with a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser during the growing season to encourage healthy growth and vibrant colours.

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ideal place ideal place
indirect sunlight, partial shade, shade


ideal location ideal location
living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, office, patio

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
high level

difficulty level

level level


toxicity level toxicity level
toxic to children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1 time a week