anturio blanco en macetero ceramica anturio blanco en macetero ceramica
anturio blanco en macetero ceramica anturio blanco en macetero ceramica
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Do you need a white Anthurium to give as a gift or to decorate your own home? You'll have to take a look at this indoor plant in a ceramic pot! Available online!
€ 49,95
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white flamingo plant in pot

The name of the genus comes from the Greek words anthos for 'flower' and oura for 'tail', which refers to the tail-shaped spadix. The Jungle King Anthurium has to rely on its large leaves, which give each interior a "touch of the jungle". This white Anthurium is an easy houseplant that can give you lots of fun for a long time!

dimensions & properties

color plant: green leaves and white flowers

altura      40cm
ancho      25-30cm
tamaño maceta      17cm Ø

care tips

This Flamingo plant is easy to tace care for. Just find a spot in your house, you can put it in a darker place, but never put it in the sun. Water this plant regularly, don't let the soil dry out. This way you will enjoy the white flowers of this king of the jungle to the max!

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Pedido 2024-09 - 08-02-2024 19:53

La planta llegó en muy buen estado a pesar que el envío tardó un poco más de lo indicado. Me informaron sobre el retraso debido a las huelgas en Francia. La maceta es bonita pero es un poquito diferente a la de la foto, tiene un color más gris, pero no pasa nada. Estoy muy contenta.


ideal place ideal place
partial shade, indirect light


ideal location ideal location
living room, bedroom, kitchen, patio

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
high level

difficulty level

level level


toxicity level toxicity level
toxic to children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1-2 times a week