abeto de normandía abies nordmanniana con pie follaje abeto normandía árbde navidad natural abeto normandía instrucciones pie para abeto pie y reciepiento para abeto cortado
abeto de normandía abies nordmanniana con pie follaje abeto normandía árbde navidad natural abeto normandía instrucciones pie para abeto pie y reciepiento para abeto cortado
3 reviews | Add review
This freshly cut 140cm real Abies Nordmanniana fir is in stock with a wooden foot. Home delivery in Spain mainland.
€ 99,95
final price with shipping to you

Stock : 0


cutted christmas tree nordmann fir 140cm with foot

Decorate and feel the Christmas spirit with the Nordmann fir (Abies Nordmanniana is its Latin name). This cut Christmas tree has an average height of 140 centimetres, size L on our website. The great advantage of this fir is that it keeps the needles much longer than spruces or spruce, also used as Christmas trees.

Decorate this tree it how you want and give it a nice spot at home and celebrate Christmas with your loved ones. This beautiful Nordmann will add that special touch and feeling of Christmas celebrations. We also call this fir the Caucasian fir, because this tree is indigenous to the mountains south and east of the Black Sea, in Turkey, Georgia and the Russian Caucasus.

dimensions and properties

We selectes this natural Normann fir at the 'Tuinflora' nurseries. This Christmas tree is of supreme quality and freshly cut from fields in the Netherlands.

height      125-150cm
width      75-90cm
pot size      cutted tree, without pot
  • limited offer!
  • recently sawn high quality tree
  • will remain in perfect condition during more than 1 month
  • including free tree stand / support
  • amount: 1
  • color: green
  • carefully packed for transport

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Add review
Nadia - 18-12-2024 23:07

Thank you very much. Both trees are so gorgeous! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Isabella - 02-12-2022 16:11

El abeto está muy bien con su soporte con recipiente para el riego. Tiene un aspecto fresco y con olor a pino.

Fran - 15-12-2021 20:57

Pedí por primera vez un abeto online. Me dijeron en el chat que este nordmania era el mejor abeto. En maceta y enraizado no tenían uno disponible de este tamaño así que me aconsejaron este con un pie. La verdad es que está un poco menos lleno que en la foto, pero aún así es precioso. Seguro que repetiré en el 2022!


ideal place ideal place
indirect sunlight, partial shade, shade


ideal location ideal location
living room, dining room, kitchen, office

air purifying

air purifying air purifying

difficulty level

level level


toxicity level toxicity level
toxic to children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1 time a week