callistemon laevis copa callistemon laevis copa callistemon laevis copa
callistemon laevis copa callistemon laevis copa callistemon laevis copa
1 Review | Add review
Callistemon Laevis is a lovely evergreen shrub. It gives a Meditteranean vibe to your terrace, during the summer the plant is adorned with a mass of red flowers that are look like a 'bottlebrush.
€ 43,95
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red bottlerush

Callistemon laevis (red bottlebrush) is an evergreen shrub native to southern and south-eastern Australia, characterised by inflorescences in the form of dense, highly decorative red spikes, resembling the cylindrical brushes used to clean baby bottles.

dimensions & properties

We selected this pink Scarlet bottlebrush plant at a nursery called 'Vivercid' in Spain (close to Valencia).

color plant: green leaves and from March to September red flowers

altura      95-105cm
ancho      30-35cm
tamaño maceta      20cm Ø

care tips

You can prune the branches of Callistemon laevis until the first eye after flowering, where it will sprout again. Dead branches and withered leaves can be pruned.

Water the plant from time to time. If the soil dries out in 2-3 days, it means that the Callistemon needs a little more water. Always adjust the amount of water to the weather conditions.

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almudena - 24-04-2024 09:30

Muy bonita y en perfecto estado


ideal location ideal location
terrace, balcony, garden, patio

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
medium high level

difficulty level

level level


toxicity level toxicity level
safe for children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1-4 times a week (2-4 in summer)