Nepenthes diana Nepenthes diana
Nepenthes diana Nepenthes diana
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Don't miss the opportunity to have one of the most unique plants in the world at your home! Buy our Nepenthes Diana now and discover its charm alive!

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€ 29,00

monkey jars

The Nepenthes Diana is a species of carnivorous plant, also known as the monkey jars plant (but also: Diana's Pitcher Plant, or monkey cups), characterized by its unique pitcher-shaped leaves that trap and digest insects to obtain essential nutrients. To trap tiny insects at home, place your monkey jars in a location with high humidity and indirect sunlight. The plant's unique pitcher-shaped leaves will attract and digest small insects, providing a fascinating and low-maintenance way to observe these tiny creatures up close. Simply pour a small amount of water into the pitcher to help attract the insects, and sit back and enjoy the show!

dimensions & properties

Esta planta carnívora de primera calidad. Sale de uno de los mejores viveros en los Países Bajos. Minimum order quantity is 2 units.

colour plant: features a flower spike that can be purple, red or white, depending on the type of plant and growing conditions.

altura      25-35cm
ancho      15-20cm
tamaño maceta      14cm Ø services

care tips

To care for your Nepenthes Diana, provide it with bright, indirect sunlight and maintain a consistent temperature between 65-79°F (18-26°C), as well as high humidity levels to encourage healthy growth and insect-trapping behavior. Water your plant sparingly, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot and other problems.

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Nico - 28-07-2024 20:37

Mola mazo!


ideal place ideal place
partial shade, indirect light, shade


ideal location ideal location
living room, dining room, bedroom, office, patio

air purifying

air purifying air purifying
high level

difficulty level

level level
easy - intermediate


toxicity level toxicity level
toxic to children and pets


watering frequency watering frequency
1 time a week