pink callistemon laevis
Callistemon laevis (Scarlet bottlebrush) is an evergreen shrub native to southern and south-eastern Australia, characterised by inflorescences in the form of dense, highly decorative red spikes, resembling the cylindrical brushes used to clean baby bottles.
dimensions & properties
We selected this pink Scarlet bottlebrush plant at a nursery called 'Vivercid' in Spain (close to Valencia).
color plant: green leaves and from March to September pink to red flowers
care tips
You can prune the branches of Callistemon laevis until the first eye after flowering, where it will sprout again. Dead branches and withered leaves can be pruned.
Water the plant from time to time. If the soil dries out in 2-3 days, it means that the Callistemon needs a little more water. Always adjust the amount of water to the weather conditions.