elephant ears plant lime
Ladies and gentlemen, this is an Elephant ears plant. There are about 50 species of the Elephant ears plant or Xanthosoma Sagittifolium Cinis (Latin name). It is one of the tropical and subtropical plants of the family Araceaees and very similar to the Alocasia. It is not known if these plants are family. We have selected the variety 'Lime'de la This green plant is a classic for interiors, enjoy it in your home with its green leaves. This plant is also known as Malanga, because of the shape of its leaves.
elephant-ear shaped leaves
Its leaves are as large as elephant ears, the size of a leaf is 32cm to 36cm long by 22cm to 70cm wide, and arise from a stem up to 40cm long.
dimensions and properties
- plant height: 70-75 cm ↕
- pot size: 21cm Ø
- amount: 1
- color: fresh lime green
- air purifiying plant
- not safe for cats and dogs
- low maintenance plant
care tips
As the plant grows, the old leaves will start to hang, we advise to cut them. The new leaf will grow upwards and will be bigger than the old one. In this way the plant will grow slowly. Put your Elephant ears plant in a place with enough light, but not in a full sunny spot. Water it quite often, do not let the soil dry out.
This plant is air purifying. Moreover the leaves and root of malanga are edible. The fruit is a subglobose to oblong berry, 3.5mm to 5mm long and 2.5mm to 3.9mm in diameter. The leaves are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Never eat the roots or leaves raw!